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What you can build with PeachPie

Over the course of the 6+ years we’ve been developing the PHP compiler to .NET, many practical apps have been tried on PeachPie, both by the core developer team and by the community. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the coolest projects built with PeachPie.

PeachPie 1.0.9

It’s been a while since our last update, but the project is still well alive and under active development. Let’s take a look at some of the improvements to the PeachPie compiler platform; we’re continuously working on it to make PeachPie fast and stable for everyday use.

Targeting a library for both PHP and .NET

There is a massive amount of libraries and frameworks written in PHP, providing useful functionalities, some even commercially. You may have come across libraries, such as PDF generators, the Twig templating engine, random data generators, etc. Let’s take a look at how to develop the library for both PHP and .NET, so that C# developers will be able to seamlessly consume the functionality, as well.

Twig in Razor

Whenever you are building a website, you choose how to design your front-end. Different platforms each offer their own ways; in PHP, the selection of options is by far the most extensive.